5 ways to reduce pollution
Bring your
own bag when you go shopping. Many stores sell cloth bags, or you can just
recycle ones that you already have. You can buy a cloth bag online if you like,
here. They are very long lasting, and hold as much as the paper or plastic ones
do. Besides plastic bag is non biodegradable. It takes millions years to
decompose. This can lead to soil pollution
your awareness of electricity use. Turn off appliances and lights when they are
not in use. Be particularly aware of cable boxes, video boxes; and to a lower
levels of TVs and DVD players. They consume almost as much energy off as they
do when they are on. Anytime an appliance is off and there is a light, or clock
going (like on a microwave) . Just unplug it when not in use, or better yet put
it on a power strip with an on/off switch. You'll save energy, and cut down on
the air pollution .
) Eat less meat. The energy required to produce 1 calorie of
beef is 18 TIMES more than that required to make a calorie of wheat. It is
mindboggling; however, if we examine the water required to produce a pound of
beef, it is just over 5200 gallons. The water pollution is one problem that is
out of control when it comes to the meat industry. Every meal that replace meat with
vegetables, beans or soy protein, and grains makes a significant dent in the
overall environmental picture.
5) Buy locally. Locally grown food travels at most a couple of
hundred miles, and is usually picked the day before, if not the day of,
delivery. In contrast, the average piece of produce found on your grocer's
counter has traveled 1500 miles! In addition, it often need some refrigeration
and packaging to survive the 4 - 7 days it takes before it gets there. And it's
not just produce that is made locally; many things you can get at the big box
is either being made locally, or in those cases where they aren't, they can
often be purchased second hand. A
lot of pollution can be avoided
by just buying locally whenever possible.
Plant a tree. Start a garden! Planting a shade tree can
significantly impact heating bills once it reaches maturity. Planting a garden
is a joyful activity that cuts down on the energy needed to get vegetables to
your table. If you don't have the room for a garden, you can always grow sprouts in your house or apartment. They are
one of the most nutritious and easy to grow foods ever, containing not only
essential vitamins and minerals, but also life
supporting qualities not readily
found in other foods.
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